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The MD-PhD Program is a track of the Medical School that provides training in both medicine and research. This path is designed for medical students who have outstanding credentials and are highly motivated to become research physicians, also known as physician-scientists. During the 6-year MD degree, the students take all the courses in the regular MD curriculum and additional courses focused on advanced research topics, leading to a MD-PhD certificate. After obtaining the MD degree and the MD-PhD certification, students can choose (but are not obligated) to enroll in a post-graduate PhD Program. Applications are open to students at their third year of any Italian Medical School. Selection is based on academic record and entrance examination. Between five and ten students are admitted to the program each year. Students admitted to the Program do not pay tuition fees, they receive a scholarship for living expenses and can apply for free housing in a university residence, if resident outside the province of Turin.

Take note that a new Regulation has been approved recently by the UNITO authorities and wil be made public soon, which changes the rules requirements for admission. Indeed, students at the 3rd rather than at the 2nd year of the Medical School will be enrolled. Requirements will involve the accomplishment not only of the due exams of the 1st but also of the 2nd year of the Medical curriculum.

The admission notice for a.a. 2023/2024 has published in the section Call 2023-2024 at the botton of the page. For the Italian version of the call, please check the Concorso 2023-2024 in the Italian version of the site.

The written tests for the admission competition to the MD/PhD Program a.y. 2023/2024 will take place on 10 October 2023 from 3.30 pm in the Roccia room of the Molinette Presidium of the A.O.U. City of Health and Science of Turin ( Dogliotti 38 - former Dentistry building). It is advisable to bring a calculator.

The result of the 1st written test has been published in the “Call 2023-2024” section.

The oral test will take place on October 17th from 3.30 pm in the Lenti room of the Molinette Presidium of the A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino ( Dogliotti, 14).

The final merit ranking has been published in the "Call 2023-2024" section.

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